Fareco's system, called ToPark, is based on 4 components. The first is a magneto-metric sensor, in the form of a small cylindrical box placed on the parking space. The second is the repeater, another cylindrical box fitting perfectly into the urban environment, equipped with a radio module to transmit information between the sensor and the concentrator. The final component also takes the form of a radio module, linked to network equipment, via a TP telephone cable. The concentrator receives information transmitted by the repeaters or sensors and transmits it to the ToPark server. Finally, the server collects and analyses all the parking status data in real time. Topark's web interface is available on all types of smartphone, tablet or PC devices.
The Kiss and Ride Terminal has two operating modes:
- inactive: it is turned off and any vehicle stopping on the space in question has no effect on it
- active: it displays an authorised parking time. When a vehicle arrives, the authorised time counts down to 0 then a red light indicates that the maximum parking time has been reached. Once the vehicle has left, the light turns green again and the display indicates the authorised parking time. Active and inactive phase are set on a daily basis.
The Topark system regularly consults the terminals to check each space's occupancy status. When the terminals switch from active to inactive mode, Topark continues to store space occupancy information until the vehicle leaves.
The accuracy and reliability of FARECO's ToPark system provide multiple benefits:
- optimised sharing of public space
- reduced hassle
- optimised parking plans
- optimised occupancy rates
- contribution to the economic development of city centres
- improved quality of services for motorists